Privacy policy.

Holistic Essences:

We are based at Ingleside House, 310 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, DD4 7NJ.

We are responsible for your data and control the way your personal data is collected and used.

The data we collect about you, and how we use it

The personal data we collect about you is obtained directly from you via your consultation form.

This includes your name, date of birth, home address, email address, telephone numbers, medical conditions and doctors surgery contact details.

We hold this full original record only in paper form, and we update your consultation with any further medical conditions you inform us of.

The personal data obtained via your consultation form is used to provide Holistic Essences with the vital information needed to proceed with a suitable, safe treatment or yoga session.

It is important for both your safety and the therapist/instructor’s safety, that any contraindications and allergies are understood before treatment or yoga session.

Our insurance providers state we must hold this record for 7 years from your last appointment for legal reasons.

‘The records shall be kept for at least 7 years following the last occasion on which treatment was given.’ Exert from insurance policy wording.

Correspondence from you via voicemail, email, text messaging and Facebook, may be retained by Holistic Essences for reference purposes, and to send you appointment reminders and updates.

We will only hold the information that is needed and will always do our best to store your personal details securely.

We will never sell your data or share it with another company.

We would only share your personal information if required to do so by law.


If you have provided us with your email address, and opted in to our mailing list, we will provide you with information on specific massage deals we are running, yoga class/retreat information, and with information on certain activities held by Holistic Essences.

You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time, by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of our emails. This will remove you from our mailing list.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may occasionally change this privacy policy by updating it in order to reflect changes in the law and/or our privacy policy.

We encourage you to look out for any changes and updates to our policy by reading it anytime you use our services.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the policy please contact us directly.